You Don't Have to Be Rich - 4 Steps to Enjoy The Money You Have More

You Don't Have to Be Rich - 4 Steps to Enjoy The Money You Have More

Remember when money was fun? When you were a little kid and it felt exciting to get your first pennies or quarters? With a few dollars in your pocket, you might have even felt rich. Perhaps you had a sense of freedom. Isn't that what we want as adults from our money - a sense of freedom and to be able to enjoy the money we have rather than feel anxious or worried?

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Your Stressed Brain on Money: 3 Steps to Make Better Financial Decisions

Your Stressed Brain on Money: 3 Steps to Make Better Financial Decisions

Your brain on money. We women in business love to believe that our logical brain is in charge when it comes to making decisions about money. If we're not in stress or fight or flight, this is true. But, when stressed, it's the emotional brain that's running the show. The research of Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, founder of the Trauma Center in Brookline, Massachusetts, shows that even people with no trauma history, but who are undergoingespecially strong emotional stimulation, we shift into the right-brain (emotional) processing which shuts off logic.  

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Are You Making These Time Management Mistakes? 4 Tips to Be a Master Rather than Slave to Time

Are You Making These Time Management Mistakes? 4 Tips to Be a Master Rather than Slave to Time

As a woman in business is TIME MANAGEMENT driving you a bit crazy? Do you feel like you're a slave or a master of the TIME in your life? What I hear from women is they feel overwhelmed and that time is constantly, elusively, getting away from them.  I understand - I feel like that myself at times.

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How I Saved $14,000 in One Day On Vacation

How did this Money Coach save $14,000 in one day while on vacation? Sound like a miracle? Well, it sorta was. My husband, Dave and I were on vacation in sunny Escondido at the Lawrence Welk Resort - yes, you heard that right. Lawrence Welk of 60s TV & bubble fame has built a money making resort about 40 minutes north of San Diego. Why did we drive 7 hours to stay there? Because it's child friendly and our grandchildren are joining us so that we can make good on our Christmas present to them - a trip to the San Diego Zoo.

But, let me get back to the big money we saved today. For two full day Zoo passes worth $88.00 we, in a moment of weakness, insanity, fill in the blank, decided it was worth it to attend a - you guessed it -a 90 minute TimeSHARE Presentation. Three hours later, though a bit financially stressed, we walked out as rich as when we met our lovely saleswoman Lynne, a therapist soul-sister, who did everything in her sweet power to convince us that it was "nothing" to add to our 2 timeshares, or trade them in on the NEW even better development of the Lawrence Welk resort - all for only $14,000.

By the time we'd been there nearly 3 hours, we almost caved - we were wearing out and wearing down and the last deal, the smallest deal, the best trading deal was starting to sound good.  (Our math also showed us that the 3 hours we'd sat patiently while Lynne very sweetly described all the glories of ownership was worth between $600.00 - 800.00 of our time by our hourly rates - somehow this helped direct us back to sanity.) As we began to weaken we thought if we just signed the deal we'd get out of there. Dave and I had a private conference and did the figures again and in our regained frugal sanity realized we can do a lot with the $14,000 it would have cost for a week a year timeshare - we can remodel our bathroom, we can upgrade to a larger unit when we go to Mexico and we go every year (of course we already have a TimeShare - doesn't everyone?) 

As Dave and I escaped from the Time Share building, we laughed in relief - we'd just saved $14,000 and we got those $88.00 Zoo Tickets. Here are quick rules on how to keep your money in your pocket if you attend one of these presentations:  Smile, nod, be polite, firmly grip your partners hand and give each other the NO, don't you dare say yes grip as needed, keep smiling and as they present their last option, say please give us a couple minutes and then a sweet, clear and firm NO when the sales person returns. Yes there is disappointment - I hate to say no to a sales person - but your money will be in tact. Enjoy!!

Suffer from Moneychondria - The Fear of Having Money?

Women in business, do you suffer from Moneychondria, the fear of having money?

I know it sounds funny, but maybe you’re more afraid of money than you realize...

Are any of these Financially Stressful things true for you?

* You spend more than you make.

* You “debt,” or consistently run up credit card debt.

*  You under-earn or…

*  You overspend or shop when stressed or anxious

*  You give your money away to children and other “needy” folks and don’t keep enough for yourself – for a safety cushion or retirement.

It’s safe to say many of us have conflicts about money.

Why? We want the American Dream and yet reaching it can prove to be illusive.  After all – how much money is enough? And, how much is too much? 

Get curious instead of furious with your money challenges. Take action to identify money challenges and DO something proactive by creating a PLAN and Specific Steps to move forward.

I help women make more money – by breaking through money barriers to create Prosperity & have FUN in the process. Next FREE Financial Freedom Introductory Webinar for Women in Business Aug 20th /womens-inner-money-game-free/

Next FREE 3 Steps to Financial Freedom Webinar Aug 20 /womens-inner-money-game-free/

Have Fun: Identify Your Money Type & Break Through Money Barriers

Looking at my money could be fun? Ugh is what most of us think. Money is one of those subjects we try to avoid. After all it's uncomfortable to think about how much we owe, or how little our next pay check will be. But avoidance doesn't solve our money challenges and believe me, both personally and as a Certified Money Coach, we ALL have money challenges. This is why it makes good sense to have expert help for women in business.

It doesn't have to be scary learning about our relationship with money. It can be FUN to look at our strengths and challenges by getting to know our Money Types.

For example:  Are you the type who is happy-go-lucky most of the time, but avoidant when it comes to money? You may be an Innocent. Or, are you financially successful, goal driven but a bit of a rescuer? Ah...The focused Warrior is a great worker to have on your side. Or, perhaps you know someone who is self-sacrificing, long-suffering and may give money but with strings attached? I relate to part of this archetype which is the Martyr who also tends to overwork. The clue for me that I'm slipping into my Martyr is feeling resentful. Then I know to pay attention and take a break

By taking the quick and easy Money Type Quiz you'll discover which of the 8 money or archetypes are showing up in your relationship with money. Oh, you didn't know you have a relationship with money? Well, we do and money affects everything in our lives. David Krueger, author of The Secret Language of Money says, "Money is more than just money. It's about everything. Everything we eat, drink, fear and buy; everything."

What we don't know that we don't know about money we can get us into trouble - think credit card debt, foreclosures, short-sales. Knowledge about how we think, feel and behave with money helps to keep us safe, plan for our future, have fun and create financial freedom as we feel more in control of our money.  

Take the Complimentary Money Quiz and receive a FREE 15 minute phone or Skype Consult with Lynn personally to go over the results. I guarantee you'll learn something important about you and your money!!

(*Money Types by Deborah Price - The Money Coaching Institute and used with permission)

Women - Get Your Money House In Order

Money is power and women are taught to be nice, not powerful. Really. Think about that. From the time we're little girls we're taught to think about others and to override our own feelings for the sake of someone else's. Boys are taught to win and compete and they feel very comfortable with that. Personally, I believe we women can be powerful AND nice.

In order to get your Money House in Order first identify one or two mistakes you've been making with money. Here are a few to pick from. Try to be objective and don't blame yourself. The powerful stance is to take responsibility, learn from our mistakes and make new decisions to take new action this coming year.

Mistakes Women Make with Money:

1) Spend Unconsciously: Piddle money away on things like Starbucks, another pair of shoes, fast food.

Money House in Order Power Tip:  Get a small notebook or on a SmartPhone use the Note function and track every single expenditure over the next 30 days. Eye-opening. 

2) Take Care of Others Before Take Care of Self Financially: How many times have you (to be nice) given money to your adult children, boyfriends, partners, parents, people in need rather than save more of it for your future?  

Money House in Order Power TipConsider that most women don't have enough money to live comfortably in retirement, especially single women. Give, but give consciously and sometimes giving to adult children is financial enabling and hurts rather than truly helps.  

3) Overspend or Overshop to Cope with Anxiety, Stress or Just Because:  Women waste so much money on things they don't need. "A need is replacing something that's worn out. A want is everything else." ( Peggy Gardiner, Professional Organizer)  It's fun to shop. I get it. But, stay conscious of the immediate pleasure vs. how your money needs to work for you over the long term.

Money House in Order Power TipIf you tend to shop when feeling anxious or stressed take a PAUSE to think rather than shop out of habit. During this pause take 10 breaths.  Ask yourself - what do I really need? Time, relaxation, listening to, fun, pleasure?  What are other ways I can satisfiy this? How much can I really afford to spend? What's the most powerful thing I can do with this money?  

Here's to you getting your money house in order and as a result feeling and being more powerful with your financial choices.  Remember, you can be nice and powerful.  

Big Girl ACTION: 

1)  For fun, take the Money Type Quiz to find out whether you’re a Warrior Money Type – focused and disciplined or possibly a Fool – happy-go-lucky, not necessarily good at paying the bills.  Lynn offers a FREE 15 minute results phone consult.