What's Your Money Story?

What does your money story say about your relationship with money? According to David Krueger, M.D., "a money story is not someone’s income, expenses, assets, debt, or net worth." It's a part of your total autobiography and one we don't often explore. For example: What is your earliest money memory? I ask that question of my Money Coaching clients. For me, it was taking .50 cents and going to the Red Barn convenience store and buying candy. I don't remember if my mother gave me the money or I took it out of her purse. Denial? Perhaps. What I notice is that too often early money memories are disempowering rather than empowering and these memories affect our current relationship with money.
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Money Stress: # 1 Source of Stress for 75% of Americans

True. I talk to people every week in the Central Valley of California that are losing their homes, are upside down with their mortgages, have been "downsized," lost their jobs, filed bankruptcy and are in desperate financial struggle. Many are blaming themselves for their financial problems and feel guilty and ashamed as if it's all their fault. That's not the whole picture. While it's true we are ultimately responsible for the good and bad choices we make about money, it's also true that it's hard to make good decisions about money when we get bad information or are poorly trained in money matters. We Americans should be paying attention to the fact that the financial institutions have made a LOT of money in the last couple of years. We need to hold ourselves AND these institutions accountable.
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HCG Diet Addiction - People are Dumber Than Rats

“People are dumber than rats,” my friend Marianne said. “What do you mean?” I asked. She was referring to the experimental rats that go through a maze once and, when they don’t get food, change directions or stop. Not so for people. They start out with a pattern – their first diet - that can turn into a habit – every January or spring “gotta take that 10 pounds off” – that grows into an addiction - “Oh this time this new diet is gonna work – I just know it.” When the weight is regained, as it is by over 90%, feelings of failure and guilt prevail.
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Facebook Face Off At The Gallo Park

I’m going to rant a bit but first let me set the scene.

concert-in-the-parkMy husband, Dave and friends Dewey and Tammie, were all settled in with our blanket and chairs on a grassy knoll in front of the stage for the Gallo “Pops in the Park” event in Modesto, CA.

Mike Kavanaugh, from New York, was getting ready to perform his Elton John series. We were  relaxed and excited about the performance.

The music started and on the blanket next to us a 13-ish year old boy opened his lap-top (not a Iphone), a big lap-top, and starts Facebooking.  Now how do I know he was on FB?  Because the screen is right in my line of vision to the stage! 


computergeekI started fuming. Then I tried to ignore the screen, but it’s dusk and of course the screen is even more visible. Every minute that ticks by I’m more annoyed, but trying to be polite. Then finally, I'd had it. His parents are watching the concert, oblivious. So, I stand up and speak to the dad, “I think it’s really inappropriate to have a lap-top going when the concert is on. We’re just trying to enjoy the concert.” He says, “So, enjoy the concert.”  I reply, “That’s my point – I can’t – the laptop is right in my sight – it’s very distracting. We have so much technology around us all the time, isn’t it nice to take a break from it?”

Dad ignored me, but Mom intervened and asked their son to move to the other side of the blanket. Great, I now couldn’t see the screen and I guess if it bothered someone else they could speak up. My band of friends gave me the thumbs up, but the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth.

Here we are in a beautiful, outdoor setting and this young man wasn’t alone with his attachment or should I say addiction to technology.  He just happened to be the only one I saw with a lap-top. There was plenty of texting going on during the concert – and again I wonder – why can’t you  just be where you are – enjoying the people you’re with, smelling the air, feeling the grass, listening to the music?  I don’t get it. But I am curious, what do you think the boundaries of technology should be? Would you have said something to these parents? Would you allow your child to have his/her computer on during a concert?  Let me know. Rant over.

Try Amino Acids for Anxiety or Depression

brain-and-alcoholNo surprise many addicted folks are anxious, depressed or stressed and self-medicating with their drug or food of choice. I discovered I suffered from anxiety while giving a client an anxiety assessment. As I scored the clients responses, I mentally checked off and scored my own. Momentarily shocked, I realized the pit in my stomach that was so normal was anxiety based. (*For quiz & treatment see From Panic to Power by Lucinda Bassett)

I wanted natural, rather than pharmaceutical treatment for myself and clients and discovered the power of  amino acid supplementation for mild to moderate anxiety and depression. Amino acids are naturally occurring substances in the body that we (especially anyone with an addiction) can become deficient in. I love them because, unlike many prescription drugs, they do not have side effects other than a mild headache if the dosage is too high. If that occurs, drink lots of water and take Vitamin C to flush it quickly out of system. Amino acids are best taken on a empty stomach. They are available at health food stores. If you’re a health care practitioner you may purchase them wholesale through Infinity Health (800) 733-9293.

Here are my top 3 suggestions:

GABA: Take if anxious or stressed. (*See Julia Ross’s Mood Cure or Diet Cure books)

Recommended dosage one 500 mg. capsule on empty stomach. (Can take 2 or 3X a day or at night if having trouble getting to, or staying asleep.)

5 HTP : For  mild to moderate anxiety or depression. Helps sleep and can lessen addictive cravings. Improves serotonin functioning in brain. (Important: Do not take if currently using an anti-depressant.)

Recommended Dosage: One-three 50 mg. capsules on empty stomach during afternoon or at bedtime. (Try 1 capsule first) (See Julia Ross’s Mood Cure or Diet Cure books)

P.S. Very helpful for the 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.  low-energy dip or if you have afternoon sugar or carb cravings. Serotonin levels are lowest in the late afternoon which is why cravings get more intense then.

aminoacidsL-Theanine: Amino acid found in green tea.

Supports mental calmness, focus and relaxation. Dr. John Gray suggests 200-400 mg 2-3X a day, as needed. He says taken at bedtime it melts away stress.


Dr. Gray: Just released Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice)

Julia Ross: The Mood Cure or The Diet Cure

(* Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and am not prescribing any supplementation. Please take responsibility and be an informed consumer. Do your own research – see resources above)


Celebrity Obsession: Get a Life!

Celebrity Obsession: Get a Life! The Newsweek cover story is about the celebrity culture and “Why We Can’t Look Away.” Neal Gabler, the article’s author, writes that a celebrity “is a person who is known for his well-knownness.” Well, duh. Since the time of the silent movies, Americans have become ever more focused on being entertained. Now, Gabler considers it the new art form. Unfortunately today’s titillation has a cynical, nasty tone that’s far different from the adulation of the early movie stars.
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Do Stress & Anxiety Make Us Addictive?

Do stress and anxiety make us addictive? Stress and anxiety are at the highest levels I’ve seen in 30 years and cause a vulnerability to addictive escapes. The economy is a big driver, but it’s exacerbated by the amount of change and loss occurring – job, home or illness, and the fact that we’re not taught how to take care of ourselves in pro-active and loving ways.
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P.T.S.D. Kills - And Love Heals

P.T.S.D. Kills – And Love Heals. Post-traumatic stress disorder kills, and love can certainly heal. We at home can only imagine what traumatic experiences led to the expression on this soldiers face. What isn’t so easily seen is how this soldier will cope over the long-term with the pain he’s carrying, or which loved ones in his life could be collateral damage. One in five soldiers will come home from Iraq or Afghanistan suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD can show up as anything from panic attacks, flash backs, insomnia, depression to nightmares, or all of these. “Trauma has been defined by experts as a perceived life-threatening event in which our ability to respond is inhibited and the meaning we create about it damages our ability to connect with ourselves or with others,” reports Peter Levine in Healing Trauma.
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Americans Are Addicted to Fear

Americans are addicted to fear and here's one story about why. A cute, athletic teen was running near her home. She noticed a car following a short distance behind her. As she paused to look at the car, three scary looking men got out and started after her. She ran around a corner and hid, then went to a neighbors and called 911. The police apprehended the men - all registered sex offenders. How often does this type of event happen? Not nearly as much as the media would have us believe. Bear with me for a moment and read to the end to find out if this story is true or not.
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Michael Jackson Died From Addiction

Michael Jackson died from addiction. But he also died because no one in his circle could say "no" to him. Certainly his doctor was unable to say "no." Jackson died from years of escalating abuse of prescription medications. One morning, one shot, one pill too many and on that particular day his system had had enough and went into arrest.
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